Procissão do Fogaréu

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Feminine locution Pl: Procissões do Fogaréu

A torchlit procession that reenacts the search and arrest of Jesus by his enemies, who are usually represented by hooded torchbearers also known as farricocos. The procession that takes place in Cidade de Goiás (also known as Goiás Velho), a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the central-western state of Goiás, is the most prominent one, gathering thousands of people each year.

Where: In many cities throughout Brazil

When: Holy Thursday at midnight

See also: Círio de Nazaré for another important procession

Video: Procissão do Fogaréu in Cidade de Goiás.

Homens mascarados em procissão levando tochas acesas
Credit: creative commons / Flickr
Forty hooded torchbearers take to the streets of Cidade de Goiás on Holy Thursday.