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4 anos 3 meses

Feminine noun Pl: quadrilhas

Similar to the English country dance and the American square dance, the quadrilha has its origin in the French quadrille, initially performed in aristocratic ballrooms, and later popularized. The dance is a vital component of the festivals held in June in Brazil known as Festas Juninas/Festas de São João and has a country wedding as the backdrop. The participants wear vintage rural clothing and are led by a caller who tells the dancers what to do providing cues such as “olha a cobra” (watch out for the snake) as well as commands borrowed from French words as in “balancê” (balancer) and “anarriê” (en arrière). Typical instruments that accompany these dances include the triangle, the double-headed bass drum (zabumba), and the accordion. Every year, quadrilha dance competitions are held all around the country.

Where: All over Br azil

When: Usually during the Festas Juninas/Festas de São João

Video 1: Children dancing the quadrilha

Video 2: A quadrilha performance in the northeast of Brazil

pessoas encenando uma cerimônia de casamento
Credit: Douglas Souza
The Wedding performance at a quadrilha dance competition.