Festa do Divino Espírito Santo

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Feminine locution Pl: Festas do Divino Espírito Santo

A Christian celebration in honour of the Holy Spirit which combines religious practices such as processions and masses with folk exhibitions like the Cavalhada and the Congada, an Afro-Brazilian dramatic dance. The festival usually has an “emperor” and an “empress” who are responsible for its organization.

When: It culminates on Pentecost Sunday, but some cities start celebrating it several days before.

Where: All over Brazil

Important Information

The Festas do Divino Espírito Santo which take place in the cities of Pirenópolis, in the state of Goiás, and Paraty, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, have been granted the title of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Brazil by IPHAN (Brazil’s Institute for Cultural Heritage).

Also known as: Festa do Divino. Pl: Festas do Divino.